Stage 2: Test Solutions

A searchable inventory of investments, people, partners and stories

Displaying 151-160 of 192 results

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Jackie Hwang
Jackie Hwang

2019-2020 Design Fellow

image of white male with grey hair wearing a grey jacket
Jeff Hancock

2019-2020 Design Fellow; Professor, Communication; Principal Investigator , Empowering Diverse Digital Citizens Lab

Headshot of female wearing square glasses with brown hair
Lisa Goldman Rosas

2019-2020 Design Fellow; Principal Investigator , Food for Health Equity Lab

image of male wearing a brown shirt.
Antero Garcia

2019-2020 Design Fellow; Principal Investigator , Stanford History Education Group

Irene Lo
Irene Lo

2020-2021 Design Fellow, Assistant Professor, Management Science and Engineering

Rebecca Silverman
Rebecca Silverman

2021-2022 Design Fellow