
Sharon Beckstrand


Sharon is SIL’s operations and finance administrator. In her role, she assists the Director of People, Finance, and Administration (PF&A) with all tasks associated with keeping SIL steadily humming, be it paying bills, co-creating budgets, navigating university policy, or managing office space.

Before joining SIL, Sharon worked for Stanford’s Department of Health Policy at the School of Medicine. There, she supported the chair and the associate chairs of the department, as well as the Director of Finance & Administration and the Communications Director.

Sharon graduated from St. John’s College in Santa Fe, NM with a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts. She is a current student at Georgia Tech in their Master of Science in Analytics program, specializing in their data science track, computational data analytics. She is a huge fan of open-source learning, which has led her to take supply chain classes from MITx on the edX platform. She also enjoys programming, data analysis, and figuring out operations problems. Sharon has always been a voracious reader who was once banned for three years from her elementary school library because she was there too often.