FAQ: Eligibility Requirements

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Q. Which stage should I apply for? 

  • While applications are evaluated holistically based on the criteria of each stage, the flowchart below describes a few guiding questions to determine which stage you should apply for. If you have a question, we encourage you to reach out to a member of SIL’s investment team using the contact information on the RFP. 
  • Applicants should follow the instructions in the RFP for the stage they are applying for. In some instances, if we believe that the proposal is a better fit for a different stage, we may contact candidates to assess interest at another stage within the same funding cycle.



Q. I have yet to identify an external partner, can I apply? 

  • All applicants must have an external partner identified. SIL takes a broad approach to partnership-based research. Partners may, for example, be businesses, government agencies, local governments, school districts, consortia, community based organizations, national or international organizations, and more. Partners may play different roles, including in generating research questions, solution design, implementation, research design, interpreting results, or adapting solutions for sustained impact. We prioritize investments in teams with partnerships actively engaged across the lifecycle of an R&D process. We expect to see stronger, more robust partnerships as teams move from stage 1 to stage 2 to stage 3. 
  • If you do not yet have an external partner, but are interested in partnership-based research, we encourage you to consider SIL’s Design Fellowship. The SIL Design Fellowship provides training and mentorship for Stanford faculty who want to conceptualize new impact labs.


Q. I don’t work at Stanford, can I apply? 

  • Outside entities can apply with a PI-eligible Stanford Faculty member. We encourage active collaboration in developing the proposal between faculty members and external partners/non-Stanford researchers. Many of the teams that we’ve funded in the past have research team members (including PIs) at other universities or in partner organizations who are deeply involved in drafting the application and implementation of the award. 
  • All Stage 1 and Stage 2 applications must have a PI-eligible Stanford faculty member listed as PI on the proposal. Stage 3 applications can either come from a faculty member or directly from an outside entity with a faculty member sponsorship.


Q. Do I need to have received prior funding from Stanford Impact Labs to apply for an award? 

  • No. All funding windows are open and competitive to all eligible applicants.


Q. If I applied in a previous round and didn’t receive funding, can I reapply? 

  • We encourage applicants who applied in previous rounds to reapply if they believe their application has improved. Unsuccessful applicants in previous funding rounds have gone on to receive funding in subsequent rounds after incorporating feedback from the unsuccessful applications. 
  • Applicants who are reapplying with new proposals should submit a new letter of interest. 
  • Applicants who are submitting similar proposals as before may resubmit their previous letter of interest with a cover note describing relevant updates. Applicants may also submit a revised letter of interest as long as the letter of interest clearly states what has changed since the last application. 


Q. Can an impact lab or a faculty member apply for and receive multiple SIL investments concurrently?

  • Impact labs may submit multiple applications and hold multiple investments at the same time subject to the following restrictions: 

    • A faculty member can be lead Principal Investigator (PI) on only one active SIL investment at a time.  Faculty may serve as co-investigators or co-PIs on multiple investments.
    • An intervention, solution, or specific partnership can only hold one active SIL investment at a time.  

    The above applies to active investments. If you currently hold an award, you may apply for funding if the expected award start date is after when your current award is expected to end. 


Q. I’m a Stanford faculty member, but I don’t yet have a lab where this work would fit. Can I apply? 

  • Yes. We expect that Stage 1 and Stage 2 funding will appeal to a wide variety of teams and labs at different stages in their work. For new teams that don’t yet have labs, the investment might provide the start-up capital to set up a lab and run an initial R&D cycle. In the past, some labs have used funding to build out a professional team (including administrative support, where necessary). 
  • Stage 1 and Stage 2 funding is not for one-off research funding. We’ll want to see that this work is connected to a longer-term plan to develop and put to use a set of scientific insights around a clear agenda with external partners. 
  • We understand that the challenges for new labs are different from more established labs. If awarded funding, SIL may be able to provide help in naming your lab, establishing a website/newsletter, hiring a team, and other activities associated with starting up a new lab. 


Q. I’ve reviewed the materials and am still unsure whether I’m a good fit. Should I apply?

  • The SIL team will be holding office hours and information sessions to help applicants understand the different funding opportunities and eligibility requirements. If you’re considering applying, please attend one of the info sessions or email one of team members for a short conversation to understand your options and likely fit for each of the funding streams.